Age of innocence part 2
I recently blogged in my first Age of innocence about some of the things that marked my childhood. Cartoons more exactly. In tonight's column i will post something about another thing that was crucial in my growing. Being part of a family that wasn't really in the upper deck of the society, i couldn't enjoy my life as i wanted to, and if i think about it, there were very few i knew who could say they had. Being a 12 year-old youngster, i spent a lot of time in a video-game saloon, but mostly watching then playing actually. I know there were two or three machines in my neighbourhood. One of them was the classic Chase HQ and the other one was Wrestlemania. That game was like a God for me. I always paid attention to the ones that were playing it and sometimes, i was saving my school money and spend them there.

There were all kind of legends and stories about the boys that managed to finish the game, and i can say it was quite gripping to listen. The Wrestlemania machine was in less than a year moved from that saloon and i didn't hear anything from it for ages. the time has passed and a couple of weeks ago, while being at the office i found some screenshots on a blog from that game.

I found out the name of the game 9i really didn't know it was called wrestlemania up untill now) and sent the name to a friend of mine who's a maniac on these classic games. In that very night, i received by email the game and the emulator to play the game on.
I think because of that video-game i started eto enjoy the wrestling so much, and i was a fanatic of WCW. My favorite wrestler was Lex Luger. Others i liked were Sting, "Macho Man" Randy Savage (famous for his Oooooh YEAAAAH!! with his rugged voice), The Giant, etc.
Back to the game now :) It can be played individual or tag-team. The second option was played mostly back then. Ehen i started the emulator i felt that nostalgia from ten years ago.. it was a feeling that cannot be written or described. My favorite wrestlers were Sergent Slaugheter, Earthquake and Ultimate Warrior. The purpose of the game is to win 4 matches in order to play with the title holders, Legion of Doom.

I hope you'll enjoy the screenshots, if i got your asttention, then i strongly suggest you search that game and give it a try. (Of course, only if your a sucker for the good ol' times) ;)
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