"We have everything we wish NOT to have in Romania" - Raparta

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Age of innocence part 2

I recently blogged in my first Age of innocence about some of the things that marked my childhood. Cartoons more exactly. In tonight's column i will post something about another thing that was crucial in my growing. Being part of a family that wasn't really in the upper deck of the society, i couldn't enjoy my life as i wanted to, and if i think about it, there were very few i knew who could say they had. Being a 12 year-old youngster, i spent a lot of time in a video-game saloon, but mostly watching then playing actually. I know there were two or three machines in my neighbourhood. One of them was the classic Chase HQ and the other one was Wrestlemania. That game was like a God for me. I always paid attention to the ones that were playing it and sometimes, i was saving my school money and spend them there.

There were all kind of legends and stories about the boys that managed to finish the game, and i can say it was quite gripping to listen. The Wrestlemania machine was in less than a year moved from that saloon and i didn't hear anything from it for ages. the time has passed and a couple of weeks ago, while being at the office i found some screenshots on a blog from that game.

I found out the name of the game 9i really didn't know it was called wrestlemania up untill now) and sent the name to a friend of mine who's a maniac on these classic games. In that very night, i received by email the game and the emulator to play the game on.
I think because of that video-game i started eto enjoy the wrestling so much, and i was a fanatic of WCW. My favorite wrestler was Lex Luger. Others i liked were Sting, "Macho Man" Randy Savage (famous for his Oooooh YEAAAAH!! with his rugged voice), The Giant, etc.
Back to the game now :) It can be played individual or tag-team. The second option was played mostly back then. Ehen i started the emulator i felt that nostalgia from ten years ago.. it was a feeling that cannot be written or described. My favorite wrestlers were Sergent Slaugheter, Earthquake and Ultimate Warrior. The purpose of the game is to win 4 matches in order to play with the title holders, Legion of Doom.

I hope you'll enjoy the screenshots, if i got your asttention, then i strongly suggest you search that game and give it a try. (Of course, only if your a sucker for the good ol' times) ;)

Monday, September 19, 2005

The world is yours

Hello again, it's been some time since my last note. I've been blogging about my 3 big hobbies, the Knicks (and KnicksOnline.com), the Hiphop music and the cartoons, the other days. Today i will tell you about a new passion of mine, the T-shirt making. I started this summer with a black shirt on which i printed with yellow letters a quote from Nas' Represent: "The brutalizer crew de-sizer, accelerator/ The type of fella who be pissin in your elevator". Pretty cool huh? My second shirt didn't came as good as i wanted to, it has the Knicks logo and some text beneath, but i am very prod of my last one, finished today.
Here it is.. i've always been a fan of Patrick Ewing and since in Romania ANY Knick products is so difficult to be found i said my only shot to wear something realted to the organization is to make it myself. You might be wondering about the cost of such a t-shirt. Well, the blank t-shirt is about $3-4 and the stiching process is about $2.30 for an A4 and double for the A3 format. (this one in the image is A3)
I already know what my next t-shirt with be like. I made a nice GangStarr logo in photoshop :)

That's all for tonight and as one of the members of the Knicks Online Forums says, "Good write, good night" :)

Thanks for reading

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Age of innocence

Ok, today i'm going blog about my other passion besides the New York Knicks and Hiphop music. What could it be but cartoons :)
I think all of us had an attraction for animation, but some of us developed it in time and others are addicted now. I'm a cartoon addicted =)
Ever since i child i watched the classics: Looney tunes, Droopy (this is part of lonney tunes too, right?), Tom & Jerry, the Flinstones, but no series captivated me the was The Simpsons did it.

That's the guy, Bart Simpson. I just got from my cousin 8 gigabytes of the series and started to watch, oh the memories :) The one thing i liked about them, was that they always kept the show fresh, no matter how many seasons it had. I know i've been looking at the show when i was in 4th grade, well, that's when i first made contact with them.
In college, although the cartoons have been aired in Romania some years ago, i started to be a South Park maniac, and believe it or not, my favorite episode was Quintuplets :) I enjoyed the show because of the black humor and of the lesson that ended each episode. I also liked the crappy animation. My favorite character was by far Kenny. Well he didn't had such an important role but he died in 90% of the episodes plus that he speaks very funny. the other character i liked was Cartman (now shoot me).
South Park was a very good show, but after every episode i felt that something was missing. It was like i couldn't enjoy the episode the way i wanted to..
That's when i discovered Family Guy, the show that i've been watching for the past few months. the animation is much better comparing to South Park or the Simpsons, the vulgarity is less than in South Park and the subtility of the jokes is AOK. I don't even know what character i like most: Brian, Stewie, Chris, Peter,.. the Evil Monkey..? the truth is that i like them all. The untold story of Stewie Griffin was a very good movie, well, the first half at least, the second one was pretty much garbage. I still have dozens of episodes waiting for me to download so a better oppinion about this show i will have in the next months..
However, i stood some time wondering which exactly cartoon i liked most, and to tell you the truth, the first love is unforgettable, so the prize goes to The Simpsons. Thanks for changing my life!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Busy day

Today was a quite busy day for me. The day started as a regular day at 8 o'clock at the office. When i got back home i had some friends comming over.. some of them to watch some Family Guy episodes, others to bring some clips on their hard drive and finally others to help me out with the burreau i bought a month ago and still lays in pieces. That should have been the #1 priority of the day but as in other times, we just got lazy and postponed the work for the next day. I barely had time to check the recent posts in the New York Knicks forums (lucky for me is still offseason and the traffic ain't that high) and instead of taking a shower i'm posting crap in the blog.
Btw, i just heard today the most junny joke in years:
The hysterical piggy (it's a character in Romanian jokes) was wandering in the forest. All of a sudden he meets the fairy who tells him that she can fulfil ONE wish, anything he wants. The piggy says: DIEE!!!!!
(well, i thought it was pretty funny ;))

Well, that covers it for today, thanks for reading ( i know you didn't)

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Remember 9/11

I just realized today is September 11. Well, come to think about it it'sd already 12.32 so i'm an half of hour tard..
Anyway, even now when i think about that horrible day i can't believe such things had happened.. I was at a friend playing FIFA on PC when his mother came in and said that a plane has crashed in one of NY's twin towers. I was completly shocked when i turned the TV on and watched terriefied the images taken from CNN. When i arrived home, my dad said that the war is about to beggin. And he wasn't mistaken.
In the end, let's keep a moment of silence to all the ones who lost their family / friends in that day.

God bless them

The man, the legend, the blog :)

Well, here goes nothing..
Since everybody has a blog of hisown, i decided to join the gang and become a blogger myself.. So, what could you find here? Well, mostly you will find facts about me, about my hobbies and sometimes i'll post some funny crap i find online

Thanks for reading. One Love!